Cup of Joe 38# - There is such a thing like painless audit?
An audit is the verification of activities – process or quality system in order to ensure compliance with some requirements. As such audits always generate tension and anxiety – because you know that some stranger is coming to check your work and could give you a failing grade!
Painless = prepared, the more prepared, the more painless.
Standard says: “The employees shall be properly trained to understand the QMS principles and the company’s strategy to achieve quality management objectives as well.” It can’t be clearer – prepare your employees! Each team member should be aware of the quality policy, quality objectives and procedures within the company.
Are your documents valid?
The next step is to make sure the document and record lists have been updated. Start by making sure that nobody is using obsolete documents.
This one will your Quality manager adore – ensure all procedures and processes are performed correctly. This will be accomplished by reviewing them periodically.
What about the evaluation?
Evaluation of the findings from previous audits must be addressed. All non-conformities must be appropriately recorded, investigated and actions need to be in place, in progress or concluded by the time of the audit. Corrective actions that have been executed and closed need to have a proper verification of its efficiency. This will certainly be on the “menu” of your auditor!
Preparing an audit takes a lot of time and effort. So, your preparation should start on time. Don’t procrastinate! The day of the audit is not the time to start collecting the documents on the list.
So, to answer the question: YES!
Aaron Lui