Educational Center
Welcome to the qmsWrapper Educational Center, your one-stop shop for learning how to implement a QMS and increase productivity using qmsWrapper.
Use Cases, Educational Videos, Free Whitepapers, and Learning Guides Written by Our Experts are Available.
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“Remote Audit”, “Risk Management as ISO 14971”, “The Dual Nature of qmsWrapper”, “Traceability Matrix”, “eQMS validation”, “Benefits of the QMS - Implementation in qmsWrapper”, “Checklist for implementing a QMS for ISO 9001-2015”, “Things to know before you buy qmsWrapper”, “Data Security”, “Checklist for implementing a QMS for ISO 13485-2016”, “Team Collaboration”, “Quality Manual”, Document Management and Control”, etc.

qmsWrapper’s demos (6 parts): Management Through Quality (3 parts), Document Management, Risk Management (ISO 14971 and ISO 9001), and Traceability Matrix.
Use Cases videos (Define company roles in qmsWrapper, Approval Workflows in qmsWrapper, Where to record events in qmsWrapper, How to record events in qmsWrapper, etc.)

How to: define company roles in qmsWrapper, establish approval workflows, record specific events, record an event, process approach in qmsWrapper, implementation of processes, how to organize files within the storage, how are revision and approval history tracked in qmsWrapper, etc.

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"How To" is the qmsWrapper User manual, it is the most comprehensive document set that explains every feature in a step-by-step detail.
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Enhancing Visibility and Accountability in QMS with qmsWrapper’s New Log Functionality

20 things you need to know about SOP for medical devices