qmsWrapper in 2022
There is still a little time left until the end of 2022, so it is the right time to sum it up and set new goals for 2023.
The qmsWrapper team has been working on the development of the software and brought many updates to old and new users. We had difficulty finding a solution for certain features, but our team together with the developers managed to find the best one. Also, we worked on improving the already existing functionalities. According to the comments of clients, these moves were a logical sequence in the development path, so we are very satisfied with our decisions and the team.
We also received confirmation of how much our clients value us through the G2 portal. Excellent comments contributed to the fact that we receive badges for "High performer" all year.
Read some of our clients' comments from the G2:
“We were using a qms software that was bulky and hard to navigate, qmsWrapper can be small but it can scale up as you're growing.”
“By choosing this software, we saved a lot of money, and the team became more productive.”
“qmsWrapper makes workflows easy to manage. I really like change control, automatically recorded data, and flexibility.”
“A great way to record data, and then the reports I prepare with just one click on Export. All documentation is well organized and accessible at any time.”
“Due to the automation of work, everything is done faster, and we are sure that it complies with the ISO 13485 standard. We manage everything in the company in one system.”
“Time saving; all documentation in one place; revision history collects all necessary data for audit visit; with CAPA, Nonconformity, Training, Feedback, Supplier modules, tracking is much easier (and organization).”
“The SOPs that qmsWrapper provides suit us quite well. (…) I would mention the Traceability Matrix, as one of the main features of our team. Developing a device was much easier with this tool; every part has its lifecycle; connected dots; and it is easy to track the project's development.”
“New QMS types and tags help separate specific QMS data (documents, events).”
The last badge we are particularly proud of is "Users love us" which represents the crown of our relationship with our clients.
With the increase in popularity of the G2 portal, our number of clients and partners - consultants has increased. This encouraged us to expand our activities and conclude partnerships with many other companies.
We left the end of the year for the redesign of our website so we will welcome 2023 in a new suit. The partner program has expanded and we will soon present it on our website. Follow us and be the first to know the news.
As you can see, there were ups and downs in 2022, but in the end, we are absolutely satisfied with the business, and we can especially thank both our team and our customers who have practically become part of the qmsWrapper family.
The plan for 2023 is to continue to maintain a phenomenal relationship with clients and establish more cooperation with consultants and other firms.
We are sure that the team will surprise you with some new functionality, but for now, we will not reveal the details.
Keep up with us and happy holidays.
Your qmsWrapper team
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